You are invited to participate in the many premiere programs The ELC hosts to help entrepreneurs develop and mature. We encourage you to get in where you fit in any or all of the following programs:
Java Tuesday (ELC Members)
Weekly meetup for ELC Members. Every Tuesday members meet at 9:00 a.m. (except where there is a scheduled event) to share coffee, ideas, and resources.
Fridays with TED (ELC Members)
Monthly gathering for ELC Members. On the 1st Friday of every month at noon we'll meet for a TED video. Bring a lunch and join the discussion!
Lunch & Learn Speakers’ Series
The ELC’s Speakers’ Series attracts the best and the brightest speakers from right here in Houston and across the country. Our speakers represent diverse industries and markets and possess on-the-ground experience in a variety of subjects including business planning and management, establishing business credit, sales and marketing, financial access and management, networking marketing and more.
Workshops and Seminars
The ELC is the perfect place to learn the tools of starting, growing and running your business. The ELC teams up with SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) and various subject matter experts to provide valuable information to entrepreneurs at all stages of growth.
CEO Forum
This advanced program is for entrepreneurs who have been in business at least 2 years and are committed to significantly grow their business over the next few years. The CEO Forum is a group of business owners who meet monthly to discuss all aspects of running their business in a confidential environment. Owners tap into the power and wisdom of many, and put in place a support group to assist all in attaining business goals. Through this group, the owner leverages upon the skills, knowledge, experiences, ideas and abilities of others as though they were his own advisory team. The ELC teams up with the SMART Squad of SCORE (SCORE Mentoring and Resource Team) to deliver this program. You must apply to become a member of the CEO Forum.
Construction Contractors’ College (CCC)
There are hundreds of business incubators around the globe, but very few focus on providing information and support to entrepreneurs who want to succeed in the construction industry. This unique program does just that in partnership with several construction-related partners and specialists in the community. The overall goal of the CCC is to help small and minority business owners in construction and construction services who have been in business at least one year and is designed to prepare owners to bid on contracts in the public and private sectors.